Krystian's struggle for the entire year has been to learn to ride his bike. We got it for him really early like 2 years ago. He would ride it with someone pushing him, but then we quit pushing so he quit riding. Jake and I (mostly me) decided to dust it off and give it a go again. My dear sweet baby boy has become lazy. My in-laws have gotten each of my boys (against my wishes) a four-wheeler. Krystian knows that he can go to Grandpa's house and ride a four-wheeler that doesn't require any pedaling. Why does he need a bike?
Well, I am proud to say that after a few weeks and revelation from Lyn that he is outgrowing his bike, Krystian has learned to partially ride his bike. He only likes to do it in the drive way which is sloped. The road is too flat and still requires too much work. How did I do it? I found his weakness...FOOD! Haha! That's right I said food. Krystian said, "Mommy, I want a snack." I said, "You can have a snack if you try to ride your bike." After a second of thought, he said, "Ok." I got out the bike and helped him get on. He tried to pedal and the seat fell off. Jake didn't tighten it all the way the last time he raised the seat. I had to fix the seat and yes, I tightened it. Then Krystian got on and pedaled all the way down the drive way (almost hitting my car at the end). His reward were gummies for a snack. (Yes I use food as a reward when it works!)
Aydyn's struggles are a little more complicated. For starters, he is a picky eater. He would rather have junk food than anything healthy (except for carrots). Jake and I are of the belief that he will eat when he gets hungry, especially after talking to our pediatrician at his 20 month visit. However, my loving in-laws are of the idea let him eat what he wants when he wants. They kept my boys Saturday night. On Sunday Aydyn had the following: sausage and eggs (offered, but not eaten); Krispy Kreme donut (eaten); Cheese Nips (eaten); ribs, mac & cheese, lima beans, biscuit (offered, but not eaten); pork chops, scalloped potatoes, peas (offered, but not eaten). Thats right folks on Sunday all my son ate was a Krispy Kreme donut & Cheese Nips at church with my in-laws. I was not around. Monday was no better. He ate only the morning and afternoon snack at daycare. They had soup for lunch, and Aydyn doesn't eat soup...He had corn bread. He refused to eat dinner that night as well. My son went 48 hours without eating ANYTHING NUTRITIOUS! I am a HORRIBLE mother. I made the mistake of going to eat with my in-laws tonight because we fight every meal about how to feed Aydyn. Tonight was no exception.
My other struggle with Aydyn is more of Mommy Guilt. For Krystian's birthday, we bought 3 tickets to go see Monster Jam Monster Trucks in Jacksonville, Florida. Here it is Wednesday, we leave Friday, & I am totally hating the fact that I have to leave my precious baby boy for 3 days. I am going out of state and leaving him. I feel guilty! I know that I need to spend time with each of them, but I have not been away from him for more than 24 hours at a time since his birth. I feel like no one else can handle him the way that I would especially with this whole food issue. We will survive, but I had to vent.