Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Whirlwind Wednesday

I am used to my Wednesdays being pretty tame and mild. However, today was not usual. 5th grade had a field trip so most of their students were car riders this morning. That meant that I had extra kids in the gym, which I don't mind. Except when most of them did not have an AR book. I'm not mad; it was just exhausting to think of a solution so early this morning. (I love the McCumber team!) Each of my science classes had a quiz which I read aloud. I am trying to accommodate IEPs, but my kids didn't do so hot. They had a week --- one WEEK--- to study! That was disappointing. Social Studies quizzes were just as disappointing, if not more. One teacher out for the day on our team, and another left right at the beginning of dismissal. Worth The Wait meeting for parents to view the curriculum. One teacher from each team needs to be there. Pick up boys then home for 2 hours in which time I want to play with them and they needed baths. Put Aydyn to bed, and then choir practice. After choir practice, we need dog food so I run to Bi-Lo with Papa (my step-dad, Brian) to get some groceries. Now I am sitting at home and instead of working on Krystian's Indian vest for Friday, I am playing on Facebook and blogging.

Today has made me even more thankful for my bed! Now if only I could warm it up before I get in!

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