Monday, March 21, 2011

A Few Likes

They're not a lot, but just a few of my likes right now.

1. Spring is here! Well, in SC, Sprummer is here. Which is soon to be followed by Summer!

2. Krystian makes sure we say our prayer before every meal. Sometimes he forgets and then reminds us. He then says it with a mouth full of food. (It is also nice that Aydyn attempts to say the blessing with Krystian 99% of the time.)

3. Aydyn's favorite words/phrases: Alright, See you soon, and Uh.

4. My husband loves me and supports me in his own unique way..mainly silence, but I guess support is support.

5. I can finally feel like a good mom. Not because of people telling me that I am, but because our pastor has told us that Krystian is one of the happiest children he has ever met! To me, that means we are doing something right.

6. Reading other people's blogs. They inspire me even though I feel like I could never be as good as them.

7. Can't wait for the SplashPad this summer!

What are some of yours?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Negative Nancy

I love Sundays. Church refreshes me! After the past couple of weeks, I could use some refreshing of my spirit. Depression runs in my family, and I too have a tendency to get depressed. However, I enjoyed my Sunday even though I forgot to set my clock ahead an hour (and missed church because of it).

I spent most of the morning thinking about how my friends who blog are excellent and their lives seem almost perfect. Perfect husbands, almost perfect kids, friends, and hobbies. Then Krystian wanted to go outside. I spent the better part of the late morning outside with my children and my husband. God gave me this Sunday off from church so that I could enjoy the beautiful weather and family that he has provided me. While the boys played outside, I made a pizza and cut up some strawberries. I surprised them with a picnic lunch outside. Krystian LOVED it. We have planned a picnic for next Saturday with Grandma Eve :).

While my troubles are not even close to being gone, I did enjoy a gorgeous grace-filled day with my husband and children. My day that started out as a Negative Nancy day ended up to be pretty perfect.

As Krystian's grace from school says, "Thank you Lord for happy hearts, rain and sunny weather. Thank you Lord for this our food and that we are together. AMEN!"