Sunday, December 19, 2010

Book recommendations

Although I have not done a whole lot in the past 4 years, I LOVE reading! Occasionally, I have taken recommendations from students. They are sixth graders though, and sometimes not always a good read. I do like to keep up with what they are reading though. A week ago, my mom gave me a book. The only reason it took me a week to read it is because I have children and wifely duties that I must eventually tend to. The name of the book is A Thousand Splendid Thousand Suns by Khaled Hosseini. It is a story about Afghanistan and normal people living there. It goes through the lives of 2 women over a period of 20- 30 years. Mr. Hosseini has another book that I MUST pick up and try. It has been so long since I have been in love with a book like this.
This book gave me a whole new appreciation for our freedoms as Americans, my freedoms as a woman. We take so many things for granted these days. Things we don't even think about: anesthesia for c-sections, electricity, being able to read and watch whatever we please. It was a very good book to read right now at Christmas. I am thankful for the right to worship God in the way that I want in public without being condemned for it.
The book also gave me a wonderful appreciation for the people of Afghanistan who have endured a troubled history. For decades, they have lived in a country that is stricken by war and poverty. It made me want to go rescue every innocent Afghan and bring them home to America to experience our freedoms.
So if you are a reader in need of an adult book, please consider this one. I am also including a link to Khaled Hosseini's website.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Doggie Troubles

I will be the first to tell you that I am sucker for a four-legged animal with a sweet face. Jake and I have a black lab named Tipper. We have had him since the summer after my sophomore year of college. That was a tough time. I had just put my dalmatian to sleep because of a bulging disc in her neck that caused her immense pain and left her unable to walk or control her bladder. I wasn't looking for a new dog that summer, but Tipper was found under my dad's truck. Like I said, I am sucker. As much as I tried to ignore the puppy, he stuck to me like glue. He spent the next two school years outside. When I came home on breaks and during the summer, I retrained him to be a house dog.
Off and on, we have had our trouble with Tipper. He likes to go in the trash can and take food off of tables. For some odd reason, he knows not to go on the counters. You can leave your plate of food on the dining room table, and it will get gobbled up. You move it 3 feet to the counter, and it is in the "safe zone." When I lived at my parents' house, Tipper would walk into the bathroom and jump in the shower with you. He won't go near the bathroom at our house unless it is a really HOT summer night. Since we have moved into our house (4 years ago), Tipper has dug through the bottom of a cage straight through my carpet. (There was a plastic tray on the bottom and he was trying to get out.) He chews on our window sills in the dining room. (We have really LOW windows...almost to the floor.) However, lately, my dear puppy has taken to digging up the carpet in my dining room. He isn't in a cage any more. Jake and I are completely baffled by this. We're not gone more than usual. We do have two kids now, but they LOVE him more than Jake and I ever could. My thought, though, is that he is still craving attention. So even with my stuffy nose, my goal is to get up at 4:30 am tomorrow morning and walk the dog. Wish me luck!
Our other doggie trouble :( has to do with my next door neighbors' dog. He likes anyone in the world except for a member of my family. :( I love and ADORE my neighbors. They are some of my closest friends. The last time he got out, my neighbor told me she was going to get rid of him. When I read that email, I cried. I read it in the parking lot at school, and I cried. I know that that dog is as much a member of their family as Tipper is a part of ours. I am praying that something changes so that they will not have to get rid of their dog. I do not want bad blood between us.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Whirlwind Wednesday

I am used to my Wednesdays being pretty tame and mild. However, today was not usual. 5th grade had a field trip so most of their students were car riders this morning. That meant that I had extra kids in the gym, which I don't mind. Except when most of them did not have an AR book. I'm not mad; it was just exhausting to think of a solution so early this morning. (I love the McCumber team!) Each of my science classes had a quiz which I read aloud. I am trying to accommodate IEPs, but my kids didn't do so hot. They had a week --- one WEEK--- to study! That was disappointing. Social Studies quizzes were just as disappointing, if not more. One teacher out for the day on our team, and another left right at the beginning of dismissal. Worth The Wait meeting for parents to view the curriculum. One teacher from each team needs to be there. Pick up boys then home for 2 hours in which time I want to play with them and they needed baths. Put Aydyn to bed, and then choir practice. After choir practice, we need dog food so I run to Bi-Lo with Papa (my step-dad, Brian) to get some groceries. Now I am sitting at home and instead of working on Krystian's Indian vest for Friday, I am playing on Facebook and blogging.

Today has made me even more thankful for my bed! Now if only I could warm it up before I get in!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Another day to be Thankful

Today I was very thankful for the ability to laugh as I needed it very early this morning. I usually get Aydyn up at 6:15 because I have to get him dressed and cuddle with him before I take him to daycare. Jake usually takes Krystian to school. However, this morning when I walked in Aydyn's room. This is what I found (Sorry the picture quality is not so hot without a flash.). Now, what would you think if you saw this in your child's room?! I thought, "Oh, God! He's under that blanket. Aren't they at risk for crib death (SIDS) until 2? He's only 18 months!" When I got the courage to move the blanket, I found only his turtle and monkey that he sleeps with. Are you really freaking out now?! Because I sure was! I just had to look a little further.

He had climbed over the safety rail onto the floor. Tonight he is sleeping in the toddler bed sans safety rail. I figure that if he is climbing over it then it is more of a safety hazard than a safety rail. I almost screamed for Jake, but then common sense kicked in and picked up my camera instead.

I am also thankful for colleagues who are also good friends with good advice. Sometimes it takes someone with an outside perspective to give the words that you need. I hope that you had a Thankful Monday as well.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Small Group

Tonight was the last night of our small group, Better Together. Something was said that really hit home with me...I only wish it had been said to me at the beginning of this weekend. It was this (or close to it. I'm not good at exact quotes.) "We are the picture of God that our children see. How do you want your children to see God?" A friend went to the Women of Faith conference and it was said, maybe not in those exact words, but it was said there.
How do you want your children to see God?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Counting the days/hours

I don't know if you have a favorite cousin or two, but I do. Some of my cousins I just get along better with. One of my favorites is coming home Thursday night, exactly one week from Thanksgiving. Now, granted because I have a family and school (mostly school), I will not see him until Friday. I am so excited though! I have missed having someone my age who thinks along the same lines as me. It will also be nice to have a friend my age who isn't too busy with their own life to talk to me. I know that I am not perfect about staying in touch. I HATE talking on the phone. I didn't like it as a giddy, teenage girl and I certainly do not like it now. Two screaming boys running around will get ANYONE off the phone quickly. Sometimes I wonder if the fact that I don't have many close friends is because I don't drink alcohol. A couple of sips in college (Thanks, Saran), and a couple of sips during the festivities of Jamie and Matt's wedding, but not more than that. I have also thought about maybe it is because my husband is very shy and doesn't like to talk to anyone. The only reason I know what he is thinking 99% of the time is because I can read his mind. That happens when you have been with a person for 12 1/2 years. None of this matters though, because Josh is coming home this Thursday. Did I mention from Alaska?! A place I have always wanted to go. Less than 99 hours until he is home and just over 100 before I get to hug him! I owe a big thanks to God for giving me one of my favorites back! I also owe Josh a big thanks for serving our in country's military while in Alaska! :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


So I am ignoring the fact that I haven't blogged in a long time! I am spurred by a high school classmate who has been doing 30 days of thankfulness (Thanks, Jessica).

I am thankful to my first principal in Florence School District One, Barbara Hood. She was willing to hire me when I was pregnant with my first child. When I wasn't allowed out of my nightmarish contract, she didn't forget me. I am glad that she had such a good memory because I don't think it is my superior skills that she remembered. I taught for another 2 years in my unfortunate first job. (loved the people I worked with, but the higher ups were clueless) When my husband and I finally got the courage for me to leave that job (and not sign a contract), Hood saw my name on the list and called me. It was the Monday before Florence School District One's Teacher Expo. I, luckily, did not have to go that Saturday. I had a job at Moore Intermediate School. This is my 3rd year at Moore, and I love it! We have an awesome group of teachers who are led by awesome "higher ups." Tuesday afternoon, we got the shocks of lives. Hood is retiring at the end of this year. It took every ounce of me not to cry. She doesn't want gifts or money. "Economic times are tough." I am not going to give her a gift or money; I will respect her wishes. I will give her something more lasting: a thank you on the internet. (It doesn't get erased!) I am thankful for Barbara Hood!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

God doesn't give us more than we can handle with HIS help!

The title of this post has been my mantra for yesterday and today.

Yesterday was the first day of school for students. Teachers had to be there by 7:10 to help direct students and parents. That's fine. I was up at 5 am, and out the door by 6:20 with both boys dressed and ready to go! Good Job! Both boys were dropped off where they were supposed to be on time and without a major battle. I got to school at 7 am, open my classroom door, and all but 3 posters had fallen off of my walls. (Note: I needed a ladder, not a step stool, a ladder, to put them up!) I am late to car line duty. What a fantastic way to start the school year! My class numbers started off yesterday with 26, added a new one yesterday, and I left with a total of 27.
After school, I picked Aydyn up, and ran by Wal-mart, which seemed really dead for the first day of school. I must have gone early. Then my wonderful parents cooked dinner for me :) It was really a nice time. Krystian got to play with Uncle Matt. It is really funny to see a 6+ foot tall man play soccer with a child who is barely 3 foot tall, but they both LOVED it. Then I had to bring the boys home so that my brother-in-law could baby sit them. 2 uncles in one night! I went to play softball with the church. Yes, we lost, and today I found out that I teach a child whose dad plays for the team that STOMPED us. (Fantastic) On the way to the softball game, my husband (who is in Greenville) calls and says that his grandmother is in the hospital and they think she had a mini-stroke. I play the game -- like I said, we lost.
The phone call from my husband was just the beginning. I came home and stayed up late like a good teacher does getting things ready for the next day. I laid down about 11 pm and fell asleep. 11:24 Krystian comes in, "Mommy, I throw up on my bed," and cries his little heart out. I change the child and put the sheets and Gorilla in the washer to wash over night. I put Krystian in bed with me, calm him down, set the sleep timer on the tv, turn on cartoons so he will relax, and fall back asleep. If you are a parent, you know that you don't sleep as heavy after the throw-up as you did before the throw-up. Every little cough or move Krystian made, I was awake touching and checking him. 12:24 am: He throws up again. This time in my bed (but on Jake's side & pillow thankfully!). A little secret: I HATE the smell of vomit. It has gotten worse since I was pregnant with Aydyn. Anyway! We are both completely out of my bed. We fall asleep on the couch bed. That was a wise investment for a family even though our excuse was that it was for visitors. We don't get those. Finally, we sleep through the night until 5:30 am.
That brings me to today. It went a little something like this:
  • 4 hours of sleep
  • Krystian didn't want to wake up (of course)
  • Aydyn poops as soon as we walk out of the house
  • Get 2 new students (that makes 29)
  • Call the pediatrician about Krystian who says bring him in(That's right I had to leave work early on the second day of school :()
  • Get to my dad's to get Krystian & he's had an accident--glad I packed extra :)
  • Doctor says it seems to be a virus, but that he is on call this weekend if we need anything.
  • Remind the doctor that we are supposed to see him Thursday afternoon for Aydyn & he says, "I won't be here. Lisa will check on it and we'll call you." (We go Friday at the same time! I love our pediatrician!)
  • Parents volunteer to watch the boys while I go to the laundry mat to wash our comforter and 3 pillows that won't fit in our washer.
  • Lock myself out of the house.
  • Forget laundry detergent.
  • Spend $10 and an hour and a half washing 3 pillows and a comforter while praying that we don't have the same problem.
Yes, God doesn't give us more than we can handle with HIS help, but if this keeps up, I am going to need to sleep at the church for a few nights!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chinese Food

My parents do A LOT for me. I have worked 3 days this week, and they have watched my boys 3 afternoons this week. Monday night I had a softball game. Tuesday afternoon I had a migraine. Wednesday afternoon I worked late so that I could get most of my classroom straightened. Now, I know that most normal people have babysitters that they pay with money. I am very blessed to say that I do not know what the going rate is for a babysitter. I personally pay with food. Monday night I cooked pork chops, green beans, and stuffing to pay my parents for their services. Tuesday night there was no payment, but Wednesday was paid right! I paid with Chinese food from Hong Kong on Irby Street. I know that it doesn't seem like a lot, but I love Chinese food (& so does my mom)! So if you are ever in the market for a babysitting job that pays with food and not money, I am your girl. I will cook or pick up almost anything :) And a HUGE THANKS to MY PARENTS!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 1 & Day 2 with no husband

The past two days have been some of the toughest for me. I can't imagine (or remember) how I made it through 4 years of college without being in the same town as Jake. Here is a snip-it of how the past two days have gone.

Day #1 (Friday): Jake left at 6:11 am to go to Greenville. Being the awesome dad that he is, Jake kissed both boys, waking Aydyn up. He brought Aydyn to my bed and told him to go back to sleep. However, Aydyn did NOT want Daddy to go. I thought for sure that Aydyn would not understand what was going on, but he did and he did not like it. After Jake left, Aydyn calmed down, but would not go back to sleep of course. I was not ready to get up so, I was a horrible mother and put Aydyn back in his room for an hour. After we finally got up, Krystian helped me clean up the mess from the day before. (Daddy spent all day with the boys on Thursday. The result was complete chaos in my living room.) The boys and I went to Bi-Lo to get something for lunches for the next week. It was a long day, but my parents came over for dinner and to play with Krystian and Aydyn. That helped distract us all. My mom does what she always does when she comes over. It was all monster trucks and baths! That is why I love her! After they left, it was time for boys to go to bed. I talked to Jake for a few minutes, watched a movie, and then fell asleep.

Day #2: Today began with Aydyn climbing out of bed for the second time in a week. I knew that this day would come, and to be honest, I thought it would come a lot sooner. This doesn't still the fear in my heart that I have about him falling and breaking an arm. Aydyn is a climber. I believe that he will be in and out of trees very soon. Anyway! My in-laws came this morning to take the boys. That took all of my distraction away. I went to Target for diapers and new ear buds. Then I went to walk around McLeod Health & Fitness. I should've stayed out there and walked longer. It is kind of depressing to come home to an empty house. When I called to ask my in-laws 1. if they were feeding my boys dinner (the answer was yes), and 2. when they were bringing them home, they said, "I don't know." My parents (I really do love them!) took me out to dinner at Longhorn because I was so depressed and lonely. Shortly after getting home, my father-in-law brought the boys home. They were bathed and put to bed. I can say that we have survived the first 2 days. Let's pray that we make it the rest of the week until Jake gets home for just a weekend before going back.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Argh, ladies!

Ok. I tried to start this entry in the car on my phone, but it wouldn't let me type. However, it is pretty cute. Jake and I took Krystian to Chuck E. Cheese as a fun outing just the three of us. On the way there, Krystian put a broken necklace around his eye, like a a pirate, and started saying, "Argh, ladies!" It was too cute! At first I just listened, but then I had to say something. "Krystian, it is 'Argh, mateys." He so cutely and quickly said, "No, Mommy, Argh, ladies!" That was just the trip there.

We ended up spending 3 hours at Chuck E. Cheese. It was super nice because poor Krystian hasn't had much fun time with just Mommy and Daddy since Aydyn was born. We ended up with 340 tickets. It got us a bag of cotton candy, a car, and lizard. All in all it was a fine time.

The second major development in the Taylor household is that my husband and I are playing on the church co-ed softball team. Technically, we were supposed to have played about 4 games. The first 2 were cancelled. The other 2 we lost. Oh well! At least tonight, I actually hit the ball, even if it did result in an out.

After tonight, I am feeling better about Jake leaving tomorrow. My goal is to keep myself so busy that I barely miss him. We will survive.


So I started a blog because I needed to vent. I, then, stopped blogging because I felt a little corny revealing my feelings to randomly no one. However, I have to express myself some how or it will all blow up. So I have decided to restart my blog.

This week it is especially necessary because Jake is leaving on Friday for 2 weeks for work. Normally, I would fully embrace the time alone with Krystian and Aydyn. However, I start work again on Monday, August 9th. So, I will be a single mother with a full time job for 2 weeks. I am praying that I have the strength to do it for 2 weeks. My mom did it for 9 years or more. She even moved out of state away from family. I have family 5 minutes away in each direction. I am very thankful for my family without them, especially my mom and dad who help so much with the boys, I couldn't do everything I do.

Jake only had to work 2 days this week, Sunday and Tuesday. Even better, he closed those days so I had him during the day. We have spent the other days so far as a family or mostly as a family. Aydyn started daycare last week part time (3 days a week & goes full time on the 9th). Monday and today are without Aydyn, but it gives Krystian some much needed Mommy and Daddy time.

So anyway, I am restarting one of the most stressful periods of my life. Hopefully, it will help keep me sane.